March 30, 2010

Mothers' anthem

Hmmmm. .... now where have I heard this before? Take a look and listen close, maybe you can tell me why it sounds so familiar?


  1. I also posted this one on my blog :) Love it... reminds me of me, my mom and every other mom I know :)

  2. IHM, it looks like we may be more alike than I ever thought! :D
    I tried denying to myself that I ever talk like that to my kids but didn't succeed. Well, maybe I'm not quite so commanding but I suppose that's something you have to grow into. I'm such a wimp!

  3. Nice to know that you are not very commanding ! What is a wimp?

  4. Nebu, think of all those commanding matriarchs you've ever met. Now think of someone who would be the exact opposite of them, and that's what a wimp is. In other words... me!

  5. LOL ! More than familiar ! The Anthem comes with the X chromosome i guess !

  6. Brilliant deduction, Yosee! I think you hit it on the nail :D

  7. I loved this!
    And Sunita, like you, I'm afraid I'm rather a wimp - a real softie. Even though I try to mask it, I think my kids see right through it!
    Thanks for sharing this.

  8. Kamini, maybe we should work on a Wimps Song! "Oh c'mon! oh all right! Just this once ..." ;D
    Just what is it that makes kids so sharp at seeing through everyone, especially their parents? And just why does that talent disappear when they become parents themselves?
